Floss Daily for a Happy Smile

Are your taking care of your smile? Have you set any goals for the new year in terms of your oral health care treatment? The more that you do to keep your smile happy and healthy, the longer your teeth and gums can serve you effectively. Oftentimes, we do not employ flossing treatments enough or with the proper effectiveness. Floss... read more »

The Secret to a Great Smile Is Cosmetic Dentistry

As humans, we tend to be very hard on our teeth. Everything from what we eat, to the grinding of our teeth in our sleep can easily damage or wear down even the strongest of smiles. Although brushing twice daily and flossing daily is important to achieve a healthier and cleaner smile, it may not be enough to ensure our... read more »

Taking Care of Your Teeth as a Teen

Growing up means more than just learning to drive, or taking a job to pay for expenses. The skills we have learned throughout our childhood, now become our responsibility to fine-tune, hone, and enhance, for optimum results. Skills like oral hygiene now take on new dynamics beyond brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash. Many environmental and social factors now also come... read more »